A Lot Of People Hate Michael Gove For What He Did In Schools, For His Support For Brexit, For The Way He Knifed Boris Johnson In The Back.
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He was very good with officials, he was open, he listened. He had a voracious appetite for reading and he was completely engaged with the agenda. "That was something that impressed officials. Here was somebody who was absolutely on top of the brief and who was prepared to put the hours in. Michael was clearly up to it intellectually, and he worked enormously hard to drive his agenda." His four-year run as education secretary came to an end in David Cameron's July 2014 reshuffle, when Mr Cameron was advised by his strategist Lynton Crosby to "get the barnacles off the boat" ahead of a general election. It was suggested at the time that Gove was seen as "the king of the barnacles" because he was so toxic with teachers. A lot of people hate Michael Gove for what he did in schools, for his support for Brexit, for the way he knifed Boris Johnson in the back. His bid for the party leadership was a disaster. So Gove the politician may not have been a great success. But I've been really struck, in making this programme, by the number of people who've worked with him and against him who have the same view of Gove the minister.
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With the exceptions of, say, farmers and cowboys, Americans are already dressing much more casually than they did 50 years ago, and that trend is only poised to accelerate. At the same time, we also care more than ever about health, self-care, beauty and the way we look. Aesthetically, the Kardashians can be seen as the ธุรกิจขายตรง ออนไลน์ intersection of these trends, personified. With curves, flawless skin, long, healthy hair and stunning, contour-enhanced bone structure, they are symbols of 2018 beauty standards — all while wearing Yeezy sweats and dad sneakers. But Kanye West is not the only person making clothes for people who lack professional dress codes, but don't want to look like slobs all day — or who want something other than activewear or athleisure in which to be both comfortable at home and presentable in front of humans. As a category, you can think of it as leisure without the "ath." In Japan, Sleepy Jones founder Andy Spade once told me , they call it "roomwear." Spade was among the first in the U.S. to focus on this niche with his line of elevated pajamas intended to be worn outside the bedroom. "I see the whole category growing in the same way that athleisure exists today," he told me in 2016 . "I think that, in our near future, there will be departments in some stores that represent this idea, which I'm just calling 'atleisure' right now, but basically it's 'relaxwear' or casual/comfortwear." A new wave of brands and products are making such departments look increasingly feasible — some of them, unsurprisingly, are coming out of LA. One is Sloan, launched in 2016 by Ali Hoffman. So far, the line comprises a pajama-esque top, bottom, shirtdress and lightweight hoodie, all made from soft, all-natural fabrics. The pieces all have a timeless, ageless sensibility. "Prior to Sloan, I was a fashion editor and I noticed a hole in the market for comfortable, well-made pieces that weren't intended for exercise – and, at the same time, didn't compromise style," Hoffman explains.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://fashionista.com/2018/06/work-from-home-clothing-outfits-style

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“If you let them come out of balance, you’re not the best person you can be, and it will reflect on your health.” “What I don’t see people talking about is this: I see a little of women in power and own(ing) businesses over 50 really struggling, because they have burned out and they are not physically in great shape and they’re tired — and they still have a whole bunch on their plate,” she said. It’s the reason she is trying to be more flexible at Marketsmith Inc. “Sometimes, at Marketsmith, you will see kids skateboarding in the hallways, and they may not be my kids all the time, because women don’t have all the solutions and they need to get to work,” she said. “We say, if you want to bring your dog, bring your kids, if you have to leave to take care of your parents, do that. Because, when I need you at 9 or 10 o’clock at night, I’m going to need you. You can’t have it one way.” It’s a philosophy, Smith said, that she brings to her own marriage. “People say ‘How do you do it all?’ and I always say, ‘It’s best to have a wife,’” she said. “I have a partner; we’ve been together for 23 years. We’ve started or launched six companies and we have six children and we have two nonprofits and we have nannies and all those other things, but we did from the very beginning say, ‘This is what we’ve chosen,’ and we’re partners on every level.” Smith said leaders need to recognize things have changed.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.roi-nj.com/2018/06/04/lifestyle/leading-at-work-and-at-home-female-execs-explain-how-they-try-to-manage-both/
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